Sappy Love Stuff
So the other day Holly, my fiancée, told me that a radio station, KSTAR, in Houston had a contest going on for the upcoming bridal show in The Woodlands. The Woodlands is a very nice town just north of Houston off of I-45. It’s confusing as hell getting around down there but really nice as you travel in circles looking for your destination. As I was saying, this radio contest was for the bride-to-be to email them just why she should be the winner. The winner of this little deal won a limo ride to a very nice lunch for her and three guest, $100 gift certificate to a nice “lingerie” boutique, $500 gift certificate to a spa there in The Woodlands and a “VIP” status at the bridal show and free entry her and her guest. There where several other prizes too, but I can’t think to them all off the top of my head, I am sure Holly would be more than happy to tell you.
So Holly, being the smart one that she is decides that I should write the letter about just how great she is and how she is so deserving of this prize. So me being the sweet, caring guy that I am; I oblige and whip a little something up. It was actually really easy to write, at first I figured I would have to pack it full of lies about how great she is, but once I started writing I realized, “Wow, she really is great, and she really does deserve this.” The end result was about a page letter that was the absolute truth. The real deal on what she goes through daily, the load she has to carry and on top of that the endless worrying she deals with knowing that her soon-to-be husband is overseas fighting in a war, and earlier this month was nearly wasted by an IED. She has to deal with no phone calls or contact from me for several days, never knowing if I am okay. She takes care of our house, pays all the bills on time, takes care of our dog, Lola, like it’s her child and still manages to work full time and go home on the weekends to visit her family and plan a wedding with little or no input from the groom. Now I know the groom never really has a whole lot of say on wedding plans, but I know she wishes she could bounce ideas off me every now and then.
Through all this we are still able to plan what will be an amazing wedding. And with the help of that little letter and the good people and KSTAR Country Radio in Houston, Holly was selected as the winner of all those great prizes that I mentioned earlier.
But little did she know that she was just minutes away from losing it, but her mother saved the day. See, they had Holly’s phone number and they were trying to call her all morning to tell her that she won and they were going to put her on the air, but she was at work and it was “crazy-busy” cause of all the reschedules from the ice storm a week or so before. So she was swamped at work and didn’t get a lunch and never even stopped to check her phone. Her mother, Laurie, was curious as just who might have won the contest and called the radio station at about 1pm to find out. Once on the phone with them they told her they did have a winner but could get a hold of her and if they didn’t hear from her in the next 15 minutes they were going to have to select a new winner. Laurie asks just who the winner was and as fate would have it, it just so happened to be her very own daughter, Holly. Laurie calls Holly at work tells her to answer the next phone call in a few minutes and there you have it; it’s the radio station and Holly is the winner!
So last night when I talked she was there at The Woodlands Bridal Extravaganza, with her Mother, Grandmother and friend all of them enjoying Holly’s winnings. I hadn’t heard her that happy in a long time and good news stories like that make life of here just a little bit better. So, things went our way for once; got to love it. Now the “social event of the year” on November 10th will be just that much more amazing. All thanks to KSTAR, my letter and the fact that Holly really is that amazing...
and it’s called:
“Green Eyes”
“Honey you are a rock upon which I stand;
And I come here to talk I hope you understand;
Cause green eyes;
Yeah the spotlight shines upon you;
And how could anybody deny you…”