Monster Truckin
Once again I am back from another three days down at the patrol base. This one seemed to drag on forever. The highlight of the whole trip came within the first few hours. Now, for those of you that have been reading any of the previous post then you probably have heard me mention this place called “The Chicken Farms”. This little slice of Hell is the worst in our area of operations. (AO) This is where I got blown up earlier this month, and where my roommate has been blown up twice this tour. (Lucky for him, neither of the IED’s were serious and he and the truck he was on were just fine.) Anyways, this place is really rough and the other night a “Combat Logistics Patrol” or “clip” ( These are massive convoys of about 40+ semis carrying everything from Burger King french fries to Ford F-350’s) was rolling through that area and one of the semi’s was hit. At that point it caught fire and was abandoned to burn to the ground on the side of the highway.
This big piece of scrap metal became our mission at that point. So the morning we headed out we were to stop by and drag the beast out of the way. “Why do you need to remove a burned up carcass of a semi?” you might ask. Basically because it was left right next to the road and we aren’t going to give them any help hiding IED’s in this area, they are already doing a little to well. So we pull up check the area real good for any IED’s then back the tank up. That’s where yours truly hopped out and hooked the truck to the tank and drug her out into the open field. Then the real fun began. That is when we commenced to driving the tank over it, monster truck style, to crush it down to ensure that there is no way it can aid the insurgents fight. So just like a good ole monster truck rally there at the county fair grounds we spun the tank around and in the name of “Big Foot” crushed that beast.
We did a little damage to the tank but it is to be expected when you roll of a semi. Other than that, it was cold, wet and miserable for the next 48 hours. Another mission down and way too many more to go. So what did you all do this weekend?

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