Welcome to 2007!
Oh what a new year it was. Whew, the parties over here were just wild. I mean, this place is happening; I am surprised GQ hasn’t written about it before. (Side note- I love the magazine GQ and I recommend it to every male out there.) Okay, so of course that was all a total lie. Absolutely nothing went on over here. I actually sat here alone, watching cartoons in my CHU (Container Housing Unit) and happened to check my watch to realize, “Oh hey, its 7 minutes past Midnight, Happy New Year!” Yeah that’s how my night went, it was pretty wild.
So just like every New Years, you always have to have a resolution. You know some sort of big goal for the year ahead. I have no idea what mine was last year, but I hope I pulled it off, whatever it was. This year I have a few resolutions to try to master. First is to submit my Warrant Officer Flight Packet. See, before I left to come over here I was submitting my flight packet and I was 97% done when I went to go get my vision checked. Well it turns out the kid that has had 20/20 vision his whole life and never needed glasses doesn’t have good enough vision in his left eye when its dilated. Yeah, talk about a shot to the heart. I seriously cried I think. I had taken the test and dominated them, but no, I got stopped by an eyeball. Stupid eyeball. So that is hurdle number uno. Get PRK (Lasik) done to my eye when I get back and submit my packet.
Resolution number two is the same as everyone’s default resolution. It is simply to stay alive for the next year. Everyone plans on staying alive till next year, but this year I plan on putting a little more emphasis on making sure that happens. It’s not really like the states where life isn’t taken from you quite so easily. Every time we roll out over there is always that chance. So there are all the big plans for 07’; stay alive and become a pilot. Kinda lofty goals I have set for myself. But like it says in the “About Me” there on the right side of your screen, I am the greatest. So this should all come easily.
Don’t get me wrong I do have more planned for 2007. On top of staying alive, I plan on getting married to Holly in November( Side note- It will be the greatest wedding ever so pray you are invited.), in July we plan on going on a cruise somewhere fantastic and I plan on buying a huge TV when I get back. See I’m not all career obsessed. I care about other things too; like my Holly, vacations and big material objects! So here’s to our resolutions and here’s to the New Year!
So just like every New Years, you always have to have a resolution. You know some sort of big goal for the year ahead. I have no idea what mine was last year, but I hope I pulled it off, whatever it was. This year I have a few resolutions to try to master. First is to submit my Warrant Officer Flight Packet. See, before I left to come over here I was submitting my flight packet and I was 97% done when I went to go get my vision checked. Well it turns out the kid that has had 20/20 vision his whole life and never needed glasses doesn’t have good enough vision in his left eye when its dilated. Yeah, talk about a shot to the heart. I seriously cried I think. I had taken the test and dominated them, but no, I got stopped by an eyeball. Stupid eyeball. So that is hurdle number uno. Get PRK (Lasik) done to my eye when I get back and submit my packet.
Resolution number two is the same as everyone’s default resolution. It is simply to stay alive for the next year. Everyone plans on staying alive till next year, but this year I plan on putting a little more emphasis on making sure that happens. It’s not really like the states where life isn’t taken from you quite so easily. Every time we roll out over there is always that chance. So there are all the big plans for 07’; stay alive and become a pilot. Kinda lofty goals I have set for myself. But like it says in the “About Me” there on the right side of your screen, I am the greatest. So this should all come easily.
Don’t get me wrong I do have more planned for 2007. On top of staying alive, I plan on getting married to Holly in November( Side note- It will be the greatest wedding ever so pray you are invited.), in July we plan on going on a cruise somewhere fantastic and I plan on buying a huge TV when I get back. See I’m not all career obsessed. I care about other things too; like my Holly, vacations and big material objects! So here’s to our resolutions and here’s to the New Year!
The song quote comes from the Counting Crows.
It’s called, “Long December”.
I know its January, but the song still works.
“A long December and there’s reason to believe;
Maybe this year will be better than the last.
I can’t remember the last thing that you said as you were leaving;
Oh the days go by so fast…”
“A long December and there’s reason to believe;
Maybe this year will be better than the last.
I can’t remember the last thing that you said as you were leaving;
Oh the days go by so fast…”
Labels: GQ, Iraq, New Years, Resolutions
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