176sq Feet of Home
As some of you know, I live in a CHU. But what most of you don’t know is
what a CHU exactly is. Simply put, it was once one of those large shipping
containers you see on a train. But the nice people at some company somewhere
added some windows, a door, lights, a floor and what seems to be about an
inch of insulation. Then somewhere along the line it was painted a nice
desert tan and an AC unit added for good measure and “ta’daa”, we have a
“Container Housing Unit”. One good thing about these CHU’s are that we can
set them up how ever we like. Some guys get pretty carried away, building
all sorts of stuff. Andrade (My roommate and fellow 3rd platoon gunner) and
I really have built a pretty nice little set up here. I can tell that none
of you still really have any idea what I am talking about. So what I have
done for you all is snap a few photos of my humble digs over here. So
hopefully this will give you all a little better idea of this life I live
over here. If you have any more questions about these fine living conditions
let me know and I would be happy to answer them

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