Saturday, March 03, 2007

Its A Small World

It really is a small world. The other night “David” our interpreter and I were walking up to the hospital to get the details from the IP on three men that had been shot execution style by a local terrorist group earlier in the night. You think our conversation would have something to do with the struggles of the Iraqi people or the pain of the family that just had such a great loss. No, David was curious as to where I was from back in America. I told him I was from Oklahoma; it’s the state right above Texas. When he heard me may say Oklahoma his eyes got huge, like he actually some idea of what the hell I was talking about. Cause in fact he did. David’s father had lived in Oklahoma and not only that he had gone to OU. He had lived in freaking Norman. So here I am in Iraq talking to an interpreter from Tikrit, Saddam’s freaking home town and his father has not only been to America, but been to Oklahoma and lived in the same town that I grew up in. Not going to lie. It’s a little bit freaky almost. So I then asked David to ask his father where he lived in Norman, but he said he can’t, because terrorist killed his father 2 years ago when David was an Iraqi Policeman. And once again the depressing state of this place sank back in.


At Mar 4, 2007, 7:56:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about david's father--but you know Jake, being in Norman is almost the same as being dead --or even worst...!!!.....Paul


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